- 2022-10-28
- By: Buyanjargal
- in: Технологи
Evolve your lashing and lifting
Файбр эринд тавтай морил: a new era of safer and more efficient lashing and lifting. Dyneema® fibre материалаар хийгдсэн Green Pin Tycan® нь илүү аюулгүй, өндөр бүтээмжтэй өргөлтийн гинж юм. Green Pin Tycan® нь ган төмөр гинжнээс найм дахин хөнгөн бөгөөд даацын хувьд дутахааргүй байгаа.
Secure your crew and cargo
Ямарваа эмзэг, өртөг өндөр ачааг өргөхөд тухайн ачааг гэмтээх эрсдэл илүү бага болж байгаа бөгөөд төмрөөс олон шинж чанараараа давуу болж байгаа юм.
Improve efficiency
Green Pin Tycan® Гинж нь төмөр гинжнээс найм дахин хөнгөн тул нэг хүн зөөх гинжиндээр ажиллахад хангалттай бөгөөд уг зөөлөн гинжийг тээвэрлэх болон хадгалахад илүү бага өртөгтэй бөгөөд хялбар юм.
The complete solution for your lifting job
A choice of four sizes of lifting chain with matching fittings allows you to manufacture a complete chain assembly with a Working Load Limit of up to 14.2 ton. The chain fittings, specially developed for use with Green Pin Tycan®, include a connecting link, a shortening hook and a sling hook. For an overview of the complete lifting system and its technical details, download the Green Pin Tycan® information package below.
Green Pin Tycan® lashing assembly components
Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain is available with a Lashing Capacity (LC) of 10 ton or 13.6 ton and a loadbinder with hooks. The loadbinder has been specially developed for use with Green Pin Tycan® and provides the best possible load securing during transport. For an overview of the complete lashing system and its technical details, download the Green Pin Tycan® information package below.
Award Winning Technology
Green Pin Tycan® has DNV-GL Technology Qualifications for both lashing and lifting and is a recent winner of the LEEA Innovation of the Year. It is used by many of the large project logistics companies in the world, including Mammoet who was our first ever customer.